My Diabetic Silence

It was really good to read the other stories as it made me feel less alone. And less guilty for being an incapable adult who is slowly screwing up their body. I have had Type 1 Diabetes for 16 years and am terrified of wearing a pump but also of the complications. Do they happen to everyone? Are they inevitable? I feel like I have asked these questions a hundred times but I still don’t really know. I want some to tell me I’m going to be ok when I’m 35 or when I’m 50.

I don’t know anyone with Diabetes and so when I have ups and downs, I feel just so incredibly lonely. I don’t talk to anyone about my diabetes except my doctors. They are really helpful but don’t have diabetes. I tend to smile and friends and family think I have really good control. Tonight for unknown reasons my blood sugar is 21. Last night it was 19 before I went to bed and then I woke up a few hours later and it had plummeted to 2. This happens often.

Sometimes (like now) I lie awake and just cannot sleep, tormented by thoughts of what damage I do to my body. I don’t smoke, drink in moderation, exercise and eat healthy foods but still do not have good control. And then I get stressed about how tired I will be the next day because I can’t sleep. Lack of sleep affects my blood sugars. It is a vicious cycle. I am fine for periods of time and then I am not. But I don’t tell anyone.

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