Posts by Helen-Edwards
Dealing with Prednisolone and Diabetes
Living with a chronic health condition means there is part of your body that needs a little assistance to function at its best. In diabetes you know only too well all the ways in which it can impact on your body and your life. After a while it is easy to get into a space where…
Read MoreMaking Resolutions That Matter
As we head into a new year most of us reflect on the year we have had and what we hope for in the next. We seem to hold hope that a new year will be like a fresh start, a chance to do things differently or to take a new direction, an opportunity to…
Read MoreUnderstanding the journey of pregnancy for women with type 1 diabetes
I wrote this post a while ago when I was starting my PhD. Having just had some time out and starting back, I decided to refresh the post, because I think understanding the journey of pregnancy for women with type 1 diabetes is so very important. So important that it is the topic of my PhD. The topic…
Read MoreWhy You Need to Take a Break From Diabetes
We all have our favourite memories and ideas about what makes the perfect holidays. Maybe yours is skiing on a powder white slope; lazing on a golden sunny beach under a palm tree; hiking in bushland; an eco holiday; rail journey or cruise – whatever the word “holiday” conjures up for you, there will be many dreams, memories, emotions…
Read MoreTechnology & Diabetes – like being on the wire without a safety net
When you live with diabetes, you can walk a very thin line. Depending on the type of diabetes, how long you have lived with it, how you choose to manage and your own personal preferences and personality, you may or may not check your blood glucose, and you may or may not spend a lot of…
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